Root Canal

Root canal therapy is used to fix and save a tooth which is infected or badly decayed.

A root canal treatment is used to remove infected pulp tissue from the center of a tooth. Tiny channels in the inner part of the tooth are are cleaned, then the roots are filed with flexible files. A root canal treatment requires the disinfection of the tooth and removal of all debris from canals. When canals of the infected tooth are adequately cleansed and filed, they are filled with materials to prevent the pain and infection from returning.

The final step of the root canal procedure is a restoration teqnique such as a crown.

Root canal pain is one of the most awful toothaches a person can have, the actual cause of the toothache is the infection of the tooth. The pulp tissue in the inside of the tooth is infected by the bacteria that will usually result is a severe pulsating toothache typically caused by tooth decay or fracture of the tooth. The inflammation of the pulp tissue causes severe toothache. The soft tissues inside the tooth die out and form an abscess, if these tissues are not removed — infection can spread.

Several appointments to the dental office may be nessesary to complete the root canal therapy, some pain is normal during or after the treatment. If a tooth infection has caused severe inflammation or if tooth nerves are alive, a patient may feel some pain when the dentist is treating the tooth. The dentist may increase the dose of anesthesia to bring down the pain. If several appointments are nesseccary, the infection has to be fully eliminated and only then the tooth can be filled.

Root canal therapy is no longer a painful procedure as it have been before modern techniques and equipment were developed. Experience of the dentist and her knowledge of modern endodontic techniques plays significant role in reducing the pain during root canal procedure and will reduce a chance complications and pain following the treatment. Root canal treatment prodedure is highly successful; the treatment has over 95% success rate. With good oral hygiene, restored tooth can last a lifetime.